Scaffolding code
EF Core allows us to scaffold a model in code, based on an existing database.
Because F# allows multiple ways of representing an object, we are able to provide configuration options for how that generated code is formed.
Record vs Class type
If we wanted to model a blog post with an Id, Title and Content we could do it as a record type
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Or we could do it as a class type, that would behave more like how a C# class would
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Similarly, if we had a nullable column, for instance of type Guid
, it might be specified as either Nullable<Guid>
or in more idiomatic F#, as guid option
Again, we provide options for how these should be scaffolded.
Scaffolding Options
We provide EntityFramework.FSharp.ScaffoldOptions
to specify how we want to create our scaffolded code.
By default we scaffold record types with nullable columns represented as option
types, but this can be overridden.
To do this, you'll need your own implementation of IDesignTimeServices
, where we can declare a ScaffoldOptions
The ScaffoldOptions.Default
object is equivalent to ScaffoldOptions (ScaffoldTypesAs = RecordType, ScaffoldNullableColumnsAs = OptionTypes)
If you are happy with the default of record-type objects with option
properties then you will not need to implement this at all, it is already handled automatically for you.
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{ Id: int
Title: string
Content: string }
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
type int = int32
type int<'Measure> = int
val string : value:'T -> string
type string = System.String
type BlogPostClass =
new : unit -> BlogPostClass
val mutable private _Id: int
val mutable private _Title: string
val mutable private _Content: string
member Content : string
member Id : int
member Title : string
member Content : string with set
member Id : int with set
member Title : string with set
new : unit -> BlogPostClass
type DefaultValueAttribute =
inherit Attribute
new : unit -> DefaultValueAttribute
new : check:bool -> DefaultValueAttribute
member Check : bool
new : unit -> DefaultValueAttribute
new : check:bool -> DefaultValueAttribute
from ScaffoldAsTypes
type DesignTimeServices =
interface IDesignTimeServices
new : unit -> DesignTimeServices
new : unit -> DesignTimeServices
member ConfigureDesignTimeServices : serviceCollection:IServiceCollection -> unit
inherit IList<ServiceDescriptor>
inherit ICollection<ServiceDescriptor>
inherit IEnumerable<ServiceDescriptor>
inherit IEnumerable
type EFCoreFSharpServices =
interface IDesignTimeServices
new : unit -> EFCoreFSharpServices
new : scaffoldOptions:ScaffoldOptions -> EFCoreFSharpServices
static member WithScaffoldOptions : scaffoldOptions:ScaffoldOptions -> IDesignTimeServices
static member Default : IDesignTimeServices
new : unit -> EFCoreFSharpServices
new : scaffoldOptions:ScaffoldOptions -> EFCoreFSharpServices
type ScaffoldOptions =
new : unit -> ScaffoldOptions
member ScaffoldNullableColumnsAs : ScaffoldNullableColumnsAs
member ScaffoldTypesAs : ScaffoldTypesAs
member ScaffoldNullableColumnsAs : ScaffoldNullableColumnsAs with set
member ScaffoldTypesAs : ScaffoldTypesAs with set
static member Default : ScaffoldOptions
new : unit -> ScaffoldOptions
| RecordType
| ClassType
| OptionTypes
| NullableTypes